Thursday, November 12, 2009


Holt World History Medieval to Early Modern Times

African Family

Family was very important to the ancient Africans. Each person had his or her own job in the family. As soon as they were old enough to work, they would work. They believed that when a person died their spirit would always stay close to you. The village society consisted of families, extended families, village chiefs, and a council of elders.

African Trade

Trade in Africa was a common thing. Africa is the second largest continent in the world. Trade was mainly salt and gold trade. West Africans had plenty of gold, but they needed salt. Both were valuable minerals that they needed. So they traded salt for gold. They used a system called silent barter. To do this, one group would leave their salt in a certain location. Then the next group would inspect the salt. If they were approved of, they would leave their gold and take the salt. This system was used commonly in ancient Ghana.


ca. 300 Rise of Axum

740 Moors invade Spain

800 Gold trade increases

1000 The Empire of Ghana reaches its height

1076 Ghana loses power

1235 Sundiata becomes king of Mali

1260 Sundiata dies

1300 The Rise of Mali

1324 Mansa Musa travels to Mecca on a pilgrimage

1400 Mali is declining